
Only a Conservative Government can ensure our country’s best days are ahead of us.

A platform based on these overarching Conservative policy priorities is what drives Joel to be politically active:

Aspiration: It is important to reward, not punish, hard work and aspiration – scrapping unfair and high taxes at odds with Conservative values. Now is the time to deliver a renewed vision for homeownership by making it more achievable for younger generations to afford to buy.

Opportunity: Joel is passionate about championing social mobility. Irrespective of an individual’s background, every person in our country should be able to access the right support to allow them to achieve their goals. He believes the Conservative Party is the only credible political force that can lift people out of poverty and enable them to succeed.

Safer Communities: A zero tolerance to anti-social behaviour and crime. More police and a visible presence in our neighbourhoods to keep communities safe. Investment in interventions to deter young people from a life of crime are needed now more than ever to tackle the consequences of, for example, ‘County Lines’ drug gangs that ruin lives and risk limiting the opportunity of a generation from fulfilling their true potential. Maximum sentences for those who perpetrate serious crimes is the only deterrent.

Civil Society: Charitable and voluntary organisations are the lifeblood of local communities. Proactively supporting such organisations and groups to thrive, by supporting them and their networks, strengthens community resilience and can provide those most in need in our society with the best possible support.

Personal Responsibility: The freedom to live with the presumption of personal responsibility is a value that should never be forgotten. Government interference limits the ability of people to make the life choices that count when working to fulfil personal ambitions. Limited Government and more freedom will establish the right foundations to build a more prosperous country.

Free Enterprise: The state must get out the way of wealth creators, support the small business owners and self-employed who are the backbone of our economy, and work to deregulate further to make UK PLC more competitive. Reducing administrative burdens will allow businesses to compete more effectively globally and stimulate economic growth.

Democracy: Honouring the decision to leave the European Union means delivering the Brexit freedoms for which people voted. The ability to agree better bilateral trade deals, control immigration and more support for farming communities will help to uphold the democratic choice made in 2016.

Security: The first duty of any Government is to keep our country safe from bad actors who pose a threat to the democratic freedoms we enjoy today. Increasing defence and security spending in uncertain times acts as a warning to those who would act against our country that we have the means to defend ourselves against aggression.

Rural Communities: Delivering services in rural areas is more expensive and should be reflected in central Government funding. Such communities need more funds for exceptional social care and dementia support to families, for education, children’s services and for initiatives to counter isolation and loneliness.